I started reading up on html5 tags on my favorite w3schools.com ..
Here are the ones I find very interesting and useful to know.
Note: some of them are not supported yet in major browsers.
New Features :
Offline storage support ditching cookies.
New Tags
Elements :
input tag :
This is basically used to map different regions of an image say.
fieldset tag, new attributes
Standard attributes added. used to subgroup controls inside a form.
iframe tags
Support to make internal frames appear seamlessly integrated into parent doc
New Attribute Values:
input tag, type attribute
color picker , calendar controls, email field, spinner for numbers, slider for numbers, fields specifically for search/url/telephonenumbers.
Here are the ones I find very interesting and useful to know.
Note: some of them are not supported yet in major browsers.
New Features :
Offline storage support ditching cookies.
New Tags
Elements :
menu- Not yet supported. But a step towards making web sites like desktop appsmedia :
nav - Gives a navigation header of links
meter - Provides a progress bar like control to denote process completion
progress - Similar to meter above
time - represent time as machine parsable
wbr - Mark places that are suitable for word breaking. useful in formatting paragraphs
audio - Self explanatory play audio
figcaption/figure- caption for an image and an image or chart itself.
video - Most expected feature that is touted to rid of all the flash woes.
track - Support for closed captions etc.graphics:
canvas - Basically treat browser window area as a drawable canvas element using js.form related:
datalist - Sort of like a text box with an auto complete list. People can use this to implement all the auto complete list, just have a ajax call to keep appending to this element.New Attributes:
keygen - This helps authentication by enabling form submissions with RSA keys.
output - Nothing too big. Just explictly mark a field as an output of a computation, so you can refer to it directly without selecting with a id/class
input tag :
accept - limit your input to certain MIME types like images, videos etc. Actually this old. But felt worth pointing out againarea tag, new attributes
autocomplete - Enabled autocomplete for the input type. Something all browsers were doing anyways. now built into the standard.
autofocus - makes the input element have the focus on by default on page load.
formaction/formenctype/formmethod/formnovalidate - This is cool to override form level settings for these, specifically for each input element.Note that this support has been added to other tags like button, textarea as well.
pattern - this is ultra cool. Specify a regex and have your input validated at the client side directly. No more repetitive javascript testing.
multiple - Support for choosing more than one value. say, multiple files
step - Specifies the valid step increments for the new input type supported like number etc.
max, min - specifies the max and min values for new input types supported.
height, width - self explanatory
required - specifies this input field as required. More cool client side input validation.
placeholder - Text like "enter your email here" to prompt for what to type in a field. Neat in that it saves a lot of real estate on the form usually taken up by labels.
This is basically used to map different regions of an image say.
fieldset tag, new attributes
Standard attributes added. used to subgroup controls inside a form.
iframe tags
Support to make internal frames appear seamlessly integrated into parent doc
New Attribute Values:
input tag, type attribute
color picker , calendar controls, email field, spinner for numbers, slider for numbers, fields specifically for search/url/telephonenumbers.
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